Your Own Ice Candy Shop:
No Franchise Fee,
High Returns!

 You can start a shop like this with just 2 lakh investment.

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Become an Icepole Franchisee:
Key Requirements

Space Requirements

To successfully operate an Icepole outlet, you’ll need a minimum space of 100 square feet. This area should be sufficient to accommodate customers, display your products, and efficiently manage operations.

Equipment and Inventory

To get your Icepole outlet up and running, 
you’ll need to invest in the following:

  • Top glass ice cream freezer: This is essential for storing and displaying your ice cream and ice candies.
  • Icepole themed signboard: This will enhance your outlet’s visibility and brand identity.
  • Interior design: Create a visually appealing space that reflects the Icepole brand. You can choose your preferred color scheme and design elements.

Icepole will provide you with the initial inventory of ice cream and ice candies.

Team Requirements

To manage your Icepole outlet effectively, one employee should be sufficient to handle customer service, sales, and basic operations.

Training and Support

Icepole is committed to your success. We offer comprehensive support to ensure your outlet thrives:

  • Product delivery: We will deliver your initial ice cream and ice candy inventory directly to your location. Subsequent orders will require a minimum quantity.
  • Marketing materials: We provide essential marketing materials to help you promote your outlet and attract customers.

Contact Information

Safar building, kottapuram, Alangad PO, Aluva, Ernakulam,Kerala

+91 944 6809 666
+91 984 7738 021
+91 989 5446 520

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